YK-150WWLR40 抗菌濕紙巾禮盒-薰衣草/玫瑰香味 (各20鋁箔單片包)


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薰衣草/玫瑰香味 鋁箔單片包各20。



For Sensitive Skin

Delicate enough to use on the face, neck, and other sensitive areas of the body.

Removal of Germs & Odors

Highly efficacious at removing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and odors.

Itch Relief

Great for relieving allergy and infection symptoms such as swelling, itching, redness, and blisters from insect bites and stings.

Made with Organic Material

Made with 100% plant fiber with no added petrochemicals, our wipes are 100% biodegradable and recyclable.

Active ingredient: Newgyne® 0.015% (150ppm) —

To eliminate germs and pathogenic material.

NMF (natural moisturizing factor) —

To bind moisture to the skin and adjust its pH value.

Vitamin B5 —

For improvements in collagen growth, wound healing, anti-inflammatory activity, and a reduction in fine lines and acne-related blemishes.

Cucumber Extract —

For sunburn relief and dark spot prevention.

rose and lavender hydrosol —

With antioxidants to soothe skin discomfort and provide a subtle scent.