YSD-100HS-RD 有機純露, 玫瑰香味 100毫升


美國客戶 : 請致電 +1 (877) 700-1989聯繫我們的洛杉磯銷售代表。

亞洲客戶 :請致電 +886 (2) 2728-5752 聯繫我們的台北銷售代表。

產品規格 :

有機純露, 溫和淡雅對皮膚無刺激性

A. 清香玫瑰香味

B. 含豐富的抗氧化劑有機酸

C. 容量100毫升


100% Organic Rosa Damascena


100 ml / 3.38 fl oz

Added Benefits

Our organic rose hydrosol naturally contains an abundance of antioxidants and organic acids. Hydrodsols are water-based and does not clog nozzles.

How to Use

While subtle, Newgyne® may have a more noticeable scent for those with more sensitive noses. Pair with Newgyne® solution to mask any undesired chemical smell.